Hospital Management System

"Streamline Your Hospital Operations with Our Powerful HMS"

Running a hospital is a complex feat. Between managing appointments, ensuring accurate billing, and maintaining patient records, valuable time and resources get lost in administrative burdens. Imagine a system that streamlines these tasks, empowers your staff to focus on what matters most patient care.

Jemysto is the Hospital Management System designed to revolutionize the way you operate. Our comprehensive solution tackles your biggest challenges, from appointment scheduling chaos to inefficient billing processes.

    Key Features of Our HMS

  • Streamlined Patient Flow: Manage appointments, automate pre-registration, and reduce wait times with online scheduling and queue management.
  • Integrated Electronic Medical Records (EMR): Offer an intuitive interface that seamlessly integrates with labs and imaging for faster diagnosis and treatment.
  • Simplified Billing and Revenue Cycle Management: Automate claims processing, reduce errors, and improve revenue collection with efficient billing tools.
  • Real-Time Inventory Control: Track medical supplies, predict usage patterns, and avoid stockouts that disrupt patient care.
  • Advanced Appointment Scheduling: Move beyond simple appointment booking. Offer features like online scheduling with customizable appointment types, automated waitlist management, and two-way communication tools for appointment confirmation and rescheduling
  • User Permissions and Role-Based Access: Assign roles and permissions to users based on their responsibilities, ensuring appropriate access to sensitive patient information and system functionalities.

    Experience the Difference

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline your hospital operations and eliminate manual processes, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.
  • Improved Patient Care: With quick access to patient information and streamlined processes, you can focus more on delivering high-quality patient care.
  • Cost Savings: Reduce administrative overheads, minimize billing errors, and optimize resource utilization to achieve significant cost savings.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Leverage real-time data insights and analytics to make informed decisions and improve overall hospital performance.
  • Enhanced Patient Experience: From online appointment scheduling to digital medical records, our HMS enhances the patient experience and satisfaction.
  • Dedicated Support: Offer comprehensive implementation support and ongoing technical assistance to ensure a smooth transition and maximize the value of your HMS.

    Our Integrations

  • Web Cam for Patient Photo, ID and Address Proof
  • SMS Integration